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Corner R.Boodhun (Ex Depinay) S. Soopramanien Street (Ex Queen Str.) Rose Hill, Mauritius, 71203
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:30 PM

Conduit tee

Options available:

  • 20mm
  • 25mm
  • 32mm
Category: Product ID: 2435



  • Fire resistance: Self-extinguishing, do not support combustion.
  • Deformation resistant: Can be open and closed several times without damage.
  • Non-conductive: Good insulation, able to resist 25kv voltage, assuring a safe system.
  • Impact strength: Resistant to compression and impact, no cracks occur due to screwing.
  • Corrosion resistance: Resistant to acids, bases and salts, assuring a lower maintenance cost and a longer performance life.
  • Easy to install: Light weight, easy to transport, handle and install.
  • Attracting appearance: Even color, good appearance, suitable for indoor installation.